Identity theft: protect yourself

According to a recent survey, 60% of Americans said they were not worried about identity theft. They should be. It's a crime that's growing exponentially and, once the damage is done, it can take years to clean up your credit rating.

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Kirsten Cowles
Does Happiness Buy Money?

For many people, money doesn't seem to buy that much anymore. Millionaires are a dime a dozen; there are over sixteen million households in America with a net worth of at least $1 million. What does all the income and spending really add up to? When compared to other parts of the world, it must look like nothing more than a lot of excess consumption. 

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Kirsten Cowles
Plan Backwards

Take the time to think through your financial goals. Once you can articulate the goals that matter, look for an investment program that seems in harmony with your preferences and comfort level. 

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Kirsten Cowles
The Play Zone

For a financial gameplan based in the real world, you need to make many different assumptions about the future. When to retire, how much to spend, whether to buy a second home – all can impact your chances for success. 

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Kirsten Cowles